How to Choose Golf Iron Sets on a Budget


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Golfing is often considered to be a luxurious and expensive pastime thanks to the many portrayals made in popular movies and television media.

That does not necessarily mean that it will cost a hefty amount of money if you want to purchase the necessary equipment required to play your sport of choice. This sport has become more inclusive over time in terms of fees.

In this article, we will discuss in short how to learn to choose the best golf irons for you on a budget.

If you follow the instructions carefully, tread wisely, and take your time, you will surely be able to buy the best golf club set under 500.

Consider Purchasing Older Models

Just like high-priced smartphones or fancy new cars have older models that cost significantly lower, golf irons also have older models with lower prices.

True golf enthusiasts often do not want to entertain the idea of purchasing older models of their favorite equipment, but the odds can be in your favor if you act wisely.

Unused older models are available on popular shopping websites such as Amazon or eBay and on lesser-known websites too.

We recommend you check out and, among others like these two.

If you are not an expert, we suggest consulting a friend or someone with deep knowledge regarding this issue as buying discount items is tricky and calls for experienced knowledge.

Try Used Irons

Try Used Irons

Many golf enthusiasts and users often sell slightly or barely used golf irons for various reasons. You can find these used ones on Amazon or eBay, as well as various forums or platforms on social media.

We suggest checking the irons physically when you are buying used ones. That way, you will be able to examine them physically and check for any flaws or problems.

Again, if you are not an expert, we suggest that you take help from someone who has knowledge regarding these.

Communicate and Learn

Learning new things about the activity you enjoy can be immensely fun and useful. Use the internet to connect to forums, groups, and discussions on various platforms on social media.

Users from all around the world can provide first-hand experience and valuable suggestions regarding budget golf irons and how to choose the appropriate ones for you.

Choosing Your Irons

It is said that choosing a golf iron depends largely on the feel. In this case, we recommend you prioritize the feeling of smoothness and comfort over anything else.

Golf irons are of two types based on their material – cast irons and forged irons. Based on the design, the common types are – cavity back irons and blade irons (also called muscle back irons).

And golf irons come with numbers from 1 through 9. The lower the number, the farther the iron can send a ball.

Irons with numbers 1 and 2 are difficult to use, and master and thus are mostly used by expert players.

Which type of golf irons you should also purchase widely depend on your ability, also known as a handicap.

Players with high ability are said to have a low handicap, while players with low ability and accuracy are known as high handicap players.

Some brands of golf irons that are extremely popular among players are – Taylormade, Ping eye, Cleveland Golf, Callaway, Cobra, etc.

These brands will have older models and used ones that can be a steal. If you want to purchase individual irons instead of sets, that too will cost significantly lower.

Callaway Golf and Cleveland Golf sell individual irons that cost $150 and upwards and have positive reviews on Amazon.

How far you can drive the ball will also play a key factor in determining which golf irons you should purchase.

At the golf course, see how many yards your ball goes and use that information to determine your flex. Stiff flex and regular flex are more commonly seen in the average golf players.

If you are in the mood to experiment, you can buy several single irons from different brands with different flex, shaft material, and iron configuration. Again, expert knowledge is necessary for this scenario.

As you are on a budget, we suggest purchasing irons that have a steel shaft instead of irons that have graphite shaft. Steel shafts cost less are often said to be more accurate.

Trial Use before Purchase

As comfort and ease will greatly determine which golf irons you should buy, trying out before making a purchase is an important matter.

This is necessary, especially if you are buying used or older model golf irons.


As you are on a budget, make sure not to spend all or a significant of your allotted money on golf irons only. Golfing is largely about accessories, and there are several that you will need.

Regardless of whether you are a first-time buyer or not, we recommend not spending all of your allocations on golf irons only.


Now you know how to choose the best golf irons, just under $500. Follow the instructions carefully, and do not forget to ask an expert gamer friend for more insight. Keep on practicing, and you will surely become an expert one day. Have fun out there!


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